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February 23, 2021 3 閱讀分鐘

Have you ever heard that flowers can actually reduce stress naturally? Well, nothing brightens your day quite like an arrangement of fresh flowers. Although flowers are usually reserved for special occasions, they should also be appreciated and admired daily. It is truly amazing how looking at beautiful flowers can easily improve your mood.

A lot of studies have shown that flowers reduce our day-to-day stress and can also improve our mood. By adding flowers to our daily routine can reduce depression or anxiety as well as boost our daily productivity and creativity. In fact, flowers can make just anyone happy no matter the occasion or gender.

Here are 5 reasons how to reduce stress with beautiful blossoms:

Waking Up To Blossoms

One of the best feelings in the world is when you wake up to sunshine and of course, flowers! The next time you receive a bouquet of fresh blossoms, place a small arrangement of it by your bed, vanity or anywhere you can easily see them. This is to ensure that it will be the first thing you see when you wake up from a good night’s sleep each morning. Flowers can naturally help you feel energized each morning and will lend you a helping hand to get you to roll out of bed; especially on days, you just do not want to.

Rose Petal Baths

One of the most relaxing things to do is definitely to pamper yourself while feeling like an absolute goddess in a rose petal bath. If you want a more calming effect, try to avoid using vibrant colour roses, instead, use light-coloured ones. Other than a tub full of roses, you can also add roses to your daily beauty routine! For example, rosewater toner, body oil, bath bombs or soap.

Drink Them! (Yes, drink them!)

It not a surprise anymore when it comes to flowers being edible and is very commonly used in food or drinks. In a lot of cases, organic flowers (unsprayed food-grade) roses, lavender, chamomile, herbs etc. are often used in infused water or even to make calming hot tea! Even though it does make it very appealing, it is also delicious! At times, you can even find flowers in infused syrups made with jasmines and elderflower at your favourite supermarket!

Essential Oils

Flower essential oils are also one of the greatest stress relievers. If you are looking to calm your surroundings, simply add a few drops of floral essential oil to a spray bottle (you can also add some petals inside as you please) and mist it around your house/room once in a while for that burst of fragrance that will enlighten your surroundings. It is such a simple way to bring a field of beautiful flowers to your home! You can even spray the mixture onto your clothes while ironing  and leave a beautiful scent that naturally makes you smell good but also puts you in a good mood every day.

Frame The Flowers You Receive/Bought.

The next time you receive a beautiful bouquet of flowers, do not let it go to waste! You can actually have them pressed into a frame and have them hung up on a wall; accompanied by other photo frames or artwork to add an extra flair to the interior of your home. As much as it makes your house look lovely and nice, it also reminds you of moments of happiness and special occasions that you keep close to your heart. It is also a nice way of lifting your mood whenever you go about your day at home.

Flowers are one of the most natural ways to reduce your stress and simply lift your mood on a daily basis, so whenever you encounter them next time, do not hesitate to get them for yourself or even for a loved one! Fresh blooms will always be a good idea, no matter the occasion. Flowers are not always for special occasions, they are also for times where you just need to put a smile on your face for no absolute reason. For that very reason, Flower Chimp Hong Kong wants to keep you smiling for days and we are always happy to deliver happiness to you with every flower delivery.
